The Names of Moshe


Moshe was 3 months old before Mirriam placed him in the Nile. what was the name his mother/sister called him then?


As you might know, Moshe had 10 names. As the Midrash says, "Moshe  was called by 10 names. Yered (the one who goes down); Chever (friend, member, group); Yekuti'el (God will provide/support); Avi G'dor (My father, Fence/Bound in); Avi Socho (My father, his annointed one); Avi Zanoach (My father, he abandons); Rabbi Yehuda in the name of Rabbi Il'Aye said his name was also Tovyah, as it is written (Exodus 2:2) "and when she saw how good ( tov ) he was," i.e. how good ( tovyah ) he was."

We are told that he was called Yekuti'el by his mother, Chever by his father, and Yered by Miriam.


Yalkut Shimoni, Shemot 166 to Chronicles I 4:18, 24:6; Vayikra Rabba 1:3.

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