Shabbat Preparation: Bathing Guidelines


Do you have to shower before shabbos on Friday? If my hair turns our better if I shower on Thursday is that fine? Or should I shower on Friday regardless? I heard from someone you have to shower on friday...?


Thank you for your question.

Your dedication to halacha and honoring Shabbat is truly commendable. Allow me to provide further clarity on this matter for you.

What you heard is correct the source of this halacha is from the Shulchan Aruch (אורח חיים הלכות שבת סימן רסב סעיף ג)
Shulchan Aruch: Orach Chayim, Laws of Shabbat, Section 262, 3:
"One should wear his finest clothes and rejoice in the arrival of Shabbat as if going out to meet the king, similar to going out to meet a bride and groom. Rabbi Chanina would wrap himself and stand at the end of Shabbat, saying: 'Come, let us go out to meet the Shabbat Queen'; Rabbi Yanai would say: 'Come, bride, come, bride. One should dress himself in Shabbat clothes immediately after he has bathed, and this is the honor of Shabbat. Therefore, one should not bathe for Shabbat except close to evening, so he can dress himself immediately."

This text emphasizes the importance of greeting Shabbat in a state of cleanliness and dressed in one's finest attire as if going out to meet a king. This practice is likened to Rabbi Chanina, who would wrap himself and stand ready to welcome the Shabbat Queen, and Rabbi Yanai, who joyously invited the "bride" to Shabbat.

The Mishnah Berura, a commentary on the Shulchan Aruch, elaborates on this halacha, acknowledging that while it is ideal to bathe on Friday, one must also consider personal and logistical factors. Specifically, if Friday is short or if one anticipates that bathing on Friday may compromise their ability to be fully prepared for Shabbat, it is permissible to bathe on Thursday night.

In light of your specific concern regarding hair care, I would suggest a practical approach: If your hair indeed appears more presentable by washing it a day in advance, you may choose to wash your hair on Thursday, and shower on Friday to honor the spirit of entering Shabbat in a state of freshness.

It says that Shabbat is the source of all blessings – כי היא מקור הברכה so in your honoring of the Shabbat I wish you all the brachot.


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