Interpreting Dreams Positively


So I had the craziest dream last night… I think I know what some of it may mean-but some of it is a mystery. I am open to any insight You might have. Here’s the dream…. My friend Claudia was over my house (but it was the house I grew up in…) and we went outside to look at the big tree in the backyard.. I looked under the canopy and saw that there were all of these lovely gourds growing under it— I called out to Claudia and said “look at all these gourds!! Wow!” I started picking a few and it took awhile to find one that was unblemished enough to pick for eating. Meanwhile- Claudia had found a nice one and had sliced it up and seasoned it and put it in the oven to roast. Then she opened the oven door and put in her iPad and phone on top of the baking sheet — I was so confused.. but before I could question her.. she clutched her chest and fell to the ground with a heart attack! I knelt down next to her and stroked her hair and told her everything was going to be ok—- I called out to my husband to call 911… and then I was in the car with my son and we were going to some kind of appointment where I was supposed to be fitted with some sort of medical device— and when the Dr started explaining how to use it— I became very confused and was like, “ wait- did I just leave Claudia on the floor? Did an ambulance come for her? And so I didn’t stay for the instructions on the device and my son and I headed back To the house to check on Claudia. On the way - I called her and she sounded weak, but ok. Then I started pulling fishing line out of my mouth that was all the way down my throat —and it kept breaking.. but I finally got ahold Of it and tugged and tugged until an old rusty fishing lure came Out… line and sinker and a rusty hook that was without a Barb and pretty dull. It felt so good to get it out — a release. Then I woke up .. and my throat was a little sore for a few minutes. ????????‍♀️


Thank you for your question,

Based on your description, it's clear that your dream was both vivid and unsettling. According to Halacha, we do not have the capacity to interpret dreams. However, one should pray that all elements of the dream should be interpreted 'letova', or for the good. This concept is reminiscent of the story of Balaam, who intended to curse the Jewish people, but God transformed his curses into blessings. Similarly, after experiencing a dream,  so too one should pray that any meanings or implications of the dream be turned into blessings.

Wishing you lots of success.

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