Subletting a Rented Apartment


I have rented an apartment in the vicinity of one of the major Hasidic synagogues. God willing, I am going to visit my parents. Is it permissible for me to sublet the apartment to a Hasid who wishes to visit his Rebbe for Rosh Hashanah?


Dear …!
In most rental contracts, it is explicitly stated that the tenant is not allowed to sublet the apartment.
Given that this is the norm, our teacher Rabbi Amram Fried ruled that even if the landlord did not write this explicitly in the contract, it is considered a scribe's error, and it is forbidden for the tenant to sublet without the landlord's express permission.


“Lack of a guarantee is a Scribe's Error” - Shulchan Aruch, Section Choshen Mishpat, Chapter 39, §2


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