Passing in front of the one who is praying


There is a large 'Shtiebel' (a synagogue), where each room has benches and tables arranged in a shape of the letter “U” (there is no bench in the front where the cantor stands, and there is only one row of benches next to each one of the other walls). However, during prayer, and especially during the 'Shemoneh Esrei', the entire room is filled with worshippers, even in the middle, with almost no possibility to exit. Regarding the law of passing in front of the one who is praying, it is customary to say that the one praying in the passage has no right to make it unpassable. However, this is the way this Shtiebel is built, and if it is forbidden, what should the one who needs to exit do? It should also be noted that sometimes the place is so full that it is impossible to exit without touching a worshipper and slightly pushing him aside. Also, outside the doors, there are groups of worshippers, so it is impossible to exit or enter the room, and this is true even when one just approaches the Shtiebel area. If one is to keep this halacha carefully, it will be impossible to move there at all. Thank you, honorable Rabbis.


Dear …!
After the prayer, it is permissible to exit. Those standing there do not have the ability to make your passage forbidden.


Shulchan Aruch, section Orach Chaim, chapter 102, paragraph 4.


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