Blessing over the Minority of Fruit


I ate a fruit salad, the majority of which was of the kind of fruits that require the blessing of 'Borei Pri Ha'etz', and that is the blessing that I recited. At the end, a single banana remained, whose blessing is 'Borei Pri Ha'adamah'. I already finished eating all the fruit whose blessing is 'Borei Pri Ha'etz'. Do I need to recite a blessing now, since I am going to eat the banana separately, or not?


If a small amount remains, there is no need to recite a blessing over it, and it is exempted by the 'Borei Pri Ha'etz' blessing that you made over the main part of the salad at the beginning. And if a large amount of banana remains, you need to recite a blessing over it. The way to determine this is this: if you would eat the banana by itself and not because it remained on the plate, you need recite a blessing over it.


The Shulchan Aruch wrote in Orach Chaim, chapter 168, paragraph 8, and I quote: 'But those thin crackers that they put spread on are secondary to the spread and the blessing of the spread exempts them.' And the Mishnah Berurah wrote there in subsection 46, and I quote: 'And if he ate the spread from above and left the crackers and ate them by themselves, he needs to recite their own blessing over them. But if he ate them together and a little bit of cracker without spread remains, he does not need recite a blessing over it since the main part of his eating was crackers and spread together and the cracker is considered secondary to the spread, so we do not require a blessing at the end of one’s eating.'


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