Maternal line
Hello Rabbi, my father is jewish and also is my mom however she grew up secular, the closest relative on my maternal line that I can prove her judaísm is my maternal great grandmother, I want to know if after proving her judaísm I Will be accepted as a jew or if I Will still have to do some conversión process, it is important to know because in order to get her proof of judaísm I Will have to travél and that would take a good amount of my time so I want to know if that Will be enough. Just to be clear she is the Mother of the Mother of my mother
Thank you for your question.
If you can prove without a doubt that your mother’s mother was Jewish, and you can also prove that your mother is the biological daughter of your grandmother, then yes, you will be accepted as a Jew.
In any event, we recommend you approach your local orthodox rabbi for further guidance before spending time and money on the matter.

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