Kashruth supervision for flowers
Do flowers need kashruth supervision now after Rosh Hashana (when the sabbatical year is over)? Thank you
Kashruth supervision is necessary when buying flowers not because flowers acquire holiness of the sabbatical year. They do not acquire any holiness since they’re used only for beautification, and not for food or for aroma. The reason flowers require kashruth supervision is not to “put stumbling block before the blind” and not to aid those that sin (by tilling soil on the sabbatical year). If we buy flowers from those who do not keep the laws of the sabbatical year, we place a stumbling block before them and cause them to sin.
What follows from all this is that for a period following the end of the seventh year, flowers that are being sold might still have been grown by breaking the laws of the sabbatical year, and even now you might be aiding sinners by buying them. (And therefore, for a while, flowers will still need kashruth supervision.)
Azamra Lishmechah – Shviis
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