Prophet Samuel


Hello could you give me a biography of prophet Samuel his life and virtues



Thank you for your question.

Here is some brief biographical information about Shmuel, or, Samuel the Prophet.

Samuel the prophet lives in a unique time and was a unique leader considering that he was the prophet that saw the Jewish monarchy transfer from King Saul to King David who is the “Eternal” king of Israel.

Samuel's mother was Hannah and his father was Elkanah. They lived in Ramathaim which is identified as being slightly north of Jerusalem. Of related interest is that Elkanah had two wives: Penina and Chana. Peninnah had children while Chana did not. Elkanah would periodically take his family on pilgrimage to the holy site of Shiloh.

On one occasion when at Shilo, Chana went into the sanctuary and prayed for a child. Praying profusely with tears, she vowed that if she were granted a child, she would dedicate him to God as a Nazirite. Shortly thereafter, Chana became pregnant, and Samuel was born. As per her vow, she dedicated Samuel to G-d’s service by giving him to the priest of Shilo, Eli, to serve in the sanctuary.

The name Samuel means “G-d has heard my prayer” and/or “I have asked of G-d” as per Chana’s prayer to have a child.

One night while serving in the sanctuary at Shilo, Samuel heard a voice calling his name. Samuel assumed it was Eli who was calling his name so he went to him. Eli sent him back to sleep. This happened three times, at which point Eli realized that it was the voice of G-d reaching out to Samuel. Eli told him that the next time he hears the voice he is to respond "Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears." And with that Samuel’s career as a prophet begun.

There is, of course, much more that can be written. But I trust that this is an adequate introduction. Be sure to read the book of Samuel for more information.


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