Ezekiel 3


Shalom, what Does Ezekiel chapter 3 talk about



Thank you for your question.

The third chapter of Ezekiel contains the call to Ezekiel to speak to the Jewish people and to act as their watchman.

It is a short chapter, so I will offer you the following summary of verses.

V. 1-3: The commandment of G-d for Ezekiel to prophesize to the Jewish people.

V. 4-10: G-d reminds Ezekiel that he has been given a difficult task and blesses him with strength to overcome challenges and opposition from the people.

V. 11-15: Ezekiel is told not to be perturbed if the people do not listen to him. Ezekiel leaves the place where he received his prophecy and goes to a public area among the Jewish captives. For seven days he simply sits and watches the people. He begins to understand and accept his role and purpose.

V. 16:21: G-d gently rebukes Ezekiel for simply sitting around. G-d tells him that he will be held accountable if the people die due to their sins because Ezekiel failed to warn them to repent.

V. 22-27: Ezekiel received another vision from G-d and the experience is once again overwhelming for him. G-d gives Ezekiel a sign to perform before the people. For the next seven years, Ezekiel does not speak to anyone other than when he has to give over a message from G-d.


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