The Genealogy of Eliyahu And Elisha


Hello I was wondering what is the exact genealogy of Eliyahu And Elisha does the Torah speak of it?



Thank you for your question.

Here is what we derive from Elijah and Elisha, primarily from the Book of Kings and Chronicles.

Regarding Elijah:

Here are some of the things we know about the life of Elijah the prophet.

First of all, his Hebrew name, Eliyahu, means “My Lord is G-d.” He was a Tishbite from Gilead. He descended from the biblical tribe of Benjamin. Indeed, the tribe of Benjamin produced a number of heroes and mighty warriors.

Elijah lived during the ninth century B.C. when the Northern Kingdom of Israel had already split off from the Kingdom of Judah. Little is known about his birthplace though a number of theories put it as the historical town of Listib, the ruins of which are in present-day Jordan. Elijah's father’s name was Savah, but it is not known who his mother was. It is not unusual to not know the mother’s name of the figures of the Bible.

Elijah was one of the most important in our history. We did not like die all men, but rather, G-d took him directly up to heaven in a whirlwind.

Regarding Elisha:

The name Elisha means “God is salvation.” Elisha was the son of Shaphat and lived in the ninth century BCE. Little else is known about his beginnings. He was from the town of Abel Meholah. This was located on the west side of the Jordan river, between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.

It is said that Elisha was a farmer. He gave up farming when Elijah the prophet called upon Elisha to join him in leading the Jewish people and he became a prophet of G-d even training other prophets. When Elijah was taken up to heaven alive, Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit.


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