Solomon and the loss of his kingdom
Hello I'd like to know more information regarding Solomon and what happened regarding him losing his kingdom the Quran speaks of it but I wanted to know what the Jews say who was the devil he lost his kingdom too? Thanks
Thank you for your question.
Although I am unaware of what other books and sources say about King Solomon lost his kingdom, and I can you what the Jewish scriptures say.
King Solomon was led astray by his pagan wives, and he forgot about God. Instead, he started to worship his wives’ idols. God was very angry with him and warned him to stop. Unfortunately, King Solomon did not listen. As a result, God issued a decree stating He will take away his kingdom as punishment. God told him that the kingdom would be taken from him and given to one of his servants, namely, Jeroboam, whom Solomon had given as an authority over the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Jeroboam was visited by the prophet Ahijah who told him that he would indeed rule over ten of the tribes of Israel.
The kings of the tribe of Judah, however, were to continue under the Davidic line. This is partly related to the promise that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David and the tribe of Judah (see Genesis 49:10).
This kingdom of Judah included the small tribe of Benjamin, the Levites, and others who had settled in Judah’s territory. Indeed, after Jeroboam turned to idolatry, many Jews moved out of his territory and into the territory of Judah.
I Kings 11:11,29-38, 12:1–24; 2 Chronicles 15:9.

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