I would like a biography on Ilyas From The Torah what does Judaism say of him
Thank you for your question.
By referring to Elias/Ilyas of the Bible, you are referring to who we call Eliyahu Hanavi, or, Elijah the Prophet.
Elijah was a prophet and miracle worker who lived during the reign of King Ahab in the 9th century BCE. He is mentioned mostly in the Book of Kings, but also in Micah and Chronicles.
Some of the more well-known episodes, appearances, and traditions regarding Elijah include:
1. Elijah advocated and defended those who worship G-d over those who were worshipping the idolatrous god of the time, Baal. Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to prove that their G-d was superior to our G-d. Elijah was able to clearly prove that the god of Baal was non-existent when a fire came and consumed the offering of the Jews and not the offerings of the priests of Baal.
2. Elijah resurrected the dead, brought fire down from heaven, and he ended his life by ascending to Heaven above.
3. Following Elijah’s disappearance to Heaven his assistant Elisha took over as the leading prophet of the time.
4. Elijah is said to be the one who will announce the coming of the Messiah.
5. It is believed that Elijah attends every Bris (circumcision) and every Passover Seder.
6. It is customary to invoke his name on Saturday nights and to sing songs about him.
It is worth mentioning that there is a site in Israel known as the “Cave of Elijah” on Mount Carmel in Haifa. According to tradition, Elijah is believed to have prayed there before challenging the Priests of Baal in the story mentioned above. So too, Elijah is said to have hidden in the cave when running away from the evil Jezebel.

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