Allowing My "Nezem" At Work


Hello Rabbi, my name is Ava Talley and I work at a Hilton hotel. I wear a necklace with the Star of David and I have two nose rings representing the adornment of Jerusalem as that ties with my personal beliefs of the Torah. As we interpreted the “נֶזֶם” as earring / nose ring. Can you write a quick reply on how I tell my boss this? I think my boss hearing it from a second source would be good.



Thank you for your question.

While wearing a necklace that shows that you are proud of your Judaism is a commendable thing, there is no mitzva to do so. (Although there is no prohibition from wearing a nose ring, nevertheless Harav Fried shelitah says it's not considered a nice thing to do)

As such, if it upsets your boss if you wear such jewelry, I would recommend not wearing it during work, rather than getting into conflict and tension with him/her.


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