Help with Conversion
My name is Amy Harrell and I have a lot going on in my life right now, and on top of it, I am seeking to convert to Judaism and I have no idea where to start. I just need help. I am coming to you because I believe in G-d and I want all the help I can get. Please, if you can find it in your heart to help me, I will be forever grateful.
Thank you for your question.
One who wishes to convert must first seek out his or her local orthodox rabbi and arrange for a meeting. If the conversion candidate is approved, the rabbi will guide the potential convert through years of rigorous study. After such study, along with a proven knowledge of the mitzvot and a commitment to observe them, the actual formal conversion process will be carried out.
The actual conversion process is performed in the presence of a “Beit Din” a Jewish court made up of three rabbis who specialize in this area of Jewish law.
The components of the conversion ceremony are:
1. To publically declare allegiance to the Torah and to commit to observe all the mitzvot
2. Bris Mila, (circumcision) for men. If a man is already circumcised, a small drop of blood is drawn from that area in what can be called a “symbolic circumcision.” This latter procedure is also knows as a “hatafat dam bris.”
3. Immersion in a mikva, a Jewish ritual bath.
Once this is all completed the convert will receive a certificate from the Beit Din testifying that the bearer of the certificate is Jewish.
A convert is essentially treated no different than any other Jew and may join any congregation and participate in services like everyone else.
Good luck to you on your journey!
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