Sanctity of the Courtyard of the Tabernacle
In the courtyard of the Tabernacle, the entrance was distant from the eastern fence. What was the status of the area between the curtain and the end of the Tabernacle courtyard? Was it considered part of the courtyard or outside the courtyard?
Good week,
The assumption that there is a distance between the entrance and the square of the courtyard is not agreed upon at all.
See 'Siftei Chachamim' (Exodus 27:10) from whose words it necessarily follows that the gate of the courtyard was level with the curtains.
However, if there is a commentator who says that there is space there, certainly this place would not have the status of a courtyard, since the Torah said that the courtyard is 100X50 cubits and no more.
Exodus 27:9 - 14
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