Torah reading according to the Panama custom
Hello! I emigrated to Israel from Panama. What we used to do over there, following our rabbi’s instructions, is that every member of the congregation was called up for the Torah reading every Shabbos. Because of this, we would read the weekly Torah portion 3 – 4 times each Shabbos, so that everyone would have a chance. I want to organize this kind of prayer here in Israel. But someone told me that this is halachic a problem.
Dear …!
HaGaon Rabi Zion Levi of blessed memory ruled that this is what should be done in Panama for keeping the peace and other local reasons. He was a great man and he knew what the needs of his community over there are. He ruled this way because the author of the Shulchan Oruch, Rabbi Yosef Caro permits this, and only the Remo commentary forbids this. However, even the Sephardic Jews have the custom to be stringent and not to allow this, according to the ruling of the Chido, Caf Ha-Chaim and other authorities. Therefore, one should not read the Torah portion again in order to call up more people for the Torah reading. Only on Simchat Torah did they authorities allow this practice because it's so important to be called up to the Torah on that day. Therefore, only if there is a very great need for this, one might allow the Eastern (Sephardic) Jews to do this, as did the Gaon Rabi Zion Levi in Panama. But the truth is that if there is no great need for this in a specific community, and no great authority that supports this, it’s better not to do this.
Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, chapter 282, §2; Birkei Yosef, ibid., §3; Mishnah Berurah, ibid.; Kaf HaChaim, ibid., §19

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