Kiddush over a slice of bread
A person is staying in a hospital on Shabbos. He doesn’t have any wine, nor does he have a whole loaf of bread. All he has is a dinner that they serve in the hospital. What is he supposed to do?
Dear …!
If he has just a slice of bread, he can make a kiddush over it, both at night and in the morning.
But if he doesn’t have any bread at all, and he’s not going to receive any bread, then he should just eat what he has. He shouldn’t deprive himself of enjoying Shabbos because he can’t fulfill the commandment of making a kiddush.
If he is expecting to receive bread or wine later at night, it would be proper to wait, unless he feels weak or unwell. As for the morning meal, he can eat without making a kiddush, and he doesn’t have to wait.
Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, ch. 289, §2; Mishnah Berurah, ibid., subsection 10

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