Lesson on Shabbos
There is a Torah lesson in our Synagogue every Shabbos night. Are we allowed to have a shalom zachar celebration (celebrating the birth of a son) in the women’s section of the synagogue at the same time?
It is strictly forbidden to have celebratory meals during a Torah lesson. But you can be smart and take advantage of the situation so that even more people will attend the lesson. For example, the baby’s father could write a notice where he’ll say that at such and such an hour there is a lesson, and refreshments will be served as part of the celebration. After the lesson is over, the father will be happy for everyone to come and wish him “mazal-tov”. Or something of that sort.
Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, ch. 290, §2; Mishnah Berurah, ibid., subsection 8

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