Eruv in an Unfenced Vacation Area
Greetings and blessings! We are three families staying together in three private houses, one next to the other, in a large, unfenced area. Is there a way for us to establish an eruv among us so that we can carry on Shabbat?
To permit carrying, two things are needed: a. A boundary. b. A courtyard eruv.
a. When there is no actual fence, it is possible to encircle the place with fences, or with ’door shapes’ made with posts and wires. However, extensive knowledge of the details is required to do this in a halachically effective manner.
b. In addition to this, all three families must eat in one place, or they should take a loaf of bread, and acquire it on behalf of everyone, and the bread should be placed in one of the houses.
[These two actions require extensive knowledge, and it is impossible to encompass all the details in this forum. You can try consulting with the 'Eruv Center' - 0548483320].
Shulchan Aruch, Section Orach Chaim, Chapter

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