Feeding a Goose on Shabbos


I am raising a fattened goose, and I wanted to know how I can feed it on Shabbat since it cannot eat without my force-feeding it?


Dear …,
If it is possible to place food in its beak in a way that it’ll be capable of spitting it out, it is permissible. However, if it is necessary to place the food deep inside its throat, in a way that it won’t be able to expel it, it is forbidden for a Jew to force-feed the goose on Shabbos. If the goose does not eat and suffers, it is obligatory to cause a non-Jew to feed it. [Regarding a young Jewish child, the opinions of the halachic authorities differ, and only if there is no other option can leniency be granted due to the animal's suffering].
However, in general, even on a weekday, it is recommended not to force-feed geese, both because it makes them suffer and because it often causes a perforation in the esophagus. When you slaughter it afterwards, the goose will be considered treifah.


Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 324:10); Mishnah Berurah and Biur Halacha (ibid).


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