Jewish Tattoos


I am an extremely proud secular Jew, and in the midst of rising antisemitism, I am considering getting a magen David tattoo. Would I still be able to be buried in a Jewish cemetery? What are your thoughts on the idea.



Thank you for your question.

Tattoos explicitly forbidden by the Torah. In fact, it might just be one of the more severe prohibitions of the Torah, as the Torah calls it an “abomination,” a term not used frequently or lightly.

There are a number of interpretations as to why tattoos are forbidden. The most common explanation is that tattooing in ancient times was closely related to idolatry and idolatrous religions. It was a means of demonstrating affiliation with a specific type of idolatry. In fact, the Mishna seems to suggest this interpretation when it explicitly writes against tattoos with G-d’s name, as the most severe tattoo transgression. Indeed, even nowadays, tattoos have religious themes. No matter how well-meaning a person might be, all tattoos are forbidden without exception. There is no such thing as violating a prohibition of the Torah for “well-meaning” purposes.

This brings us to your question. Although your intentions are every noble, it would be forbidden to get a tattoo even if the intention is to display your Judaism.

Although getting a tattoo is an exceptionally sever transgression, there is no truth to the myth that one who has a tattoo may not be buried in a Jewish cemetery. Indeed, Jews must be buried in a Jewish cemetery regardless of their level of observance during their lifetime.

There may not be any other area mitzva/prohibition that so clearly demonstrates that nothing in this world belongs to us – not even our bodies. Our bodies are holy gifts from G-d with no need for decoration or enhancement.


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