Mezuzah recovery
My former roommate is a very good glass blower and blew me some very nice mezuzah covers that I paid handsomely for. Unfortunately after getting hit by a car and hospitalized forever I was unable to pay rent and got evicted. I know typically you are supposed to leave a mezuzah and it's cover after it's mounted and I'm pretty sure he would not abuse them or do anything with them aside from maybe sell them since he is still in the house. Is it proper for me to ask for my mounted mezuzahs (Sefer and cover) back?
Thank you for your question.
Regarding the mezuza cover: there is no problem whatsoever to take your mezuza cover with you and replace it with a cheap plastic mezuza case.
Removing the actual mezuzah, however, is very problematic. We are not allowed to leave a home without mezuzot. So you can obligate the one currently living in the flat either to pay you for the Mezuzah the amount of cheaper kosher scrolls, or he should buy his own Mezuzot to place there, then you can take your scrolls with you, if he doesn't cooperate you can get a mezuzah from a gemach and place it there and then the one living in the flat will have deal with the gemach later when they want their scrolls back.
YD 291

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