Male Hair Removal
I am a man and i have a lot of hair all over, and i find it quite embarrassing , it disturbs me a lot, i would like to know if i am permitted to remove it, and if yes what would be the most permitted way.
Thank you for your question.
Here is a summary of body hair removal for men:
It is forbidden for a man to remove the hair of the armpit or the hair of the privates. Shortening such hair is subject to dispute and it is better not to even shorten such hair though doing so is not truly forbidden if done with scissors that leave some hair behind. There is no problem if such hairs fall out when scratching them through one’s clothing.
It is permitted to remove nose hair with scissors even if the hair is completely removed, however, with a blade it is forbidden.
Ear hair may be removed in any way.
Hair between the eyebrows may only be removed if one feels his appearance is embarrassing.
The hair at the back of the neck may be shaved with a razor.
Hair of the face and head (excluding areas of the “peot”) may be removed with laser or wax.
The rest of the body may be shaved with scissors (like the results of a Kosher shaver) even if the hair is completely removed but not with wax or by laser unless the need is great such as one is embarrassed or is in pain..
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