Last Day of Kaddish for a parent
If a person died on 20 Adar I, and one is observing Kaddish for a parent, is the end date for saying Kaddish 20 Shevat of the following year? And is Kaddish said through Mincha of the last day?
Thank you for your question.
The custom (Ashkenazi) is to recite Kaddish for 11 months. One stops reciting Kaddish on the last day of the 11th month. For example, if the Yartzeit is the 20th of Adar I (aleph) then Kaddish is recited until the 19th of Tevet until sunset. The rule that Kaddish is only recited for 11 months applies in a leap year, as well.
Even though Kaddish is only recited for 11 months, one should make an effort to be present at all minyans during the 12th month in order to answer Kaddish, as this too, helps to elevate the soul of the deceased, like all mitzvot that a son does, helps elevate the soul of the father.
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