Kaddish for October 7 Kedoshim Hy”d
A person accepted to say Kaddish for a Kaddosh of the October 7 massacre. When does he stop saying Kaddish for this non-relative: after 11 months, after 12 months, or on the yahrtzeit, which this year is 13 months?
Thank you for your question.
The recitation of Kaddish is extremely important for both the living and the deceased. We are taught that the recitation of Kaddish eases the “transition” for the deceased from this world to the “World to Come.” So too, the recitation of Kaddish sanctifies God’s name.
As you correctly note, Kaddish is recited for 11 months, minus one day, from burial. So, for example, if one has a yartzeit on the 10th of Shevat (assuming that death and burial was on the same day as is preferred), Kaddish will be recited until and including at Mincha on the 9th day of Tevet.
Although “the judgment for the wicked lasts 12 months” we only recite Kaddish for 11 months being confident that the deceased is not considered to be “wicked.”. The Se'fardi custom is at the beginning of the 12th month, to stop reciting Kaddish for one week and then continue to recite Kaddish for the next three weeks.
A leap year has no effect on the recitation of Kaddish, and therefore even when there are 13 months in the Jewish years, Kaddish will only be recited for 11 months even though the yartzeit is 2 months later.
Regarding the Kaddish for victims of the October 7 massacre, the 11 months are calculated from burial. As such, whichever day in the month of Tishrei the victim was buried, stop reciting the Kaddish a day before, at Mincha, in the month of Elul. (Note that the month of Elul begins this week).
Biur Halacha 132

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