I was talked into cremating my daughter by a preacher, who I think is deceiving people. Is my daughter ok. He made that I had no choice!
Thank you for your question.
As you wrote you given wrong advice since like a Jew must be buried in the ground, and cremation for a Jew being a very severe transgression, Same too a Non_Jew is forbidden to be cremated.
This is based on the verse in Deuteronomy 21:23:
"You must not leave his body on the tree overnight. You must bury him that same day". And Ramban writes that this is even a non-Jew this is brought in the Minchas Chinuch Mitsvah 537.
This can be seen from the Mishna (Avot 3:14) which says: “Rabbi Akiva used to say: Beloved is Man, for he was created in the image of G-d. It is an even greater love that it was made known to him that he was created in the image of G-d, as it is stated, “For in the image of G-d He made man” (Gen. 1:27).
The above teaching from the Mishna refers to all mankind. As such, no a human body should not be treated disrespectfully, even in death. This is why burial is important even for non-Jews, as well. Burial is the most respectful way to treat the body which was given by G-d and created in the image of G-d.
So too, burial in the ground has atonement properties that both Jews and non-Jews can benefit from, and a non-Jew who is cremated loses this opportunity.
The way you can have an Atonement and for the good of you daughter our Rabbi, Rav Fried says that you should try and help organizations that take care of cemeteries around the world.
It is also worth noting that the sages instruct Jews to assist in the burial of even non-Jews for the sake of peace. .

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