ריבית בחוזה
Hello Rabbi. Recently a question of Ribbit Came up in the Yeshivah of with the following contract. The question of Ribbit is 2 fold. 1. the equity portion is going up so it has the tszurah of Ribbit. 2. If reuven sells a property or portion of a property to shimon, the contract of sale is not allowed to have a clause that reuven is allowed to buy it back, and in the meantime shimon collects rents or his portion of rents. this is Ribit Ketsutsa. This contract has such a clause where it states levi has 12 months to buy it back from shimon and reuven. Please advise if you are also of the opinion that the following contract qualifies as ribit. Please note I have redacted the names of the parties for privacy reasons. Shlomo Benattar 212-920-6566
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