Ruling via email
(This refers to a previous question, where the rabbis were asked whether it is permitted to build stairways that will protrude into a public alleyway.) I am referring to a passage less than two meters wide and the protrusion of the exit is between 25 cm and 75 cm, which certainly significantly narrows the alleyway. Is there a possibility to send you pictures?
Dear …!
As I wrote before, according to the laws of Choshen Mishpat (part of the Shulchan Oruch codex of Jewish law that deals with torts and damages), there can be many claims that the builder can make according to the Torah law. It is forbidden for a judge to hear only one side and to judge according to that. If you have a claim against the builder, you should invite him to a court of Torah law, or you can go to a mediator together. And “Be loving of truth and peace”.
Tractate Shvuot 31a
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