Wedding Ring: Why the Forefinger?
Why does the wedding ring go on the forefinger? And what if the bride is wearing gloves?
Thank you for your question.
As you know, common custom is to place the ring by the right hand of the bridegroom, on the forefinger of the bride's right hand.
There are a number of reasons why the ring is placed on the forefinger. One reason is that using the forefinger allows the witnesses to better observe the groom place the ring on the bride’s finger. There also exists a custom to place the ring upon the middle finger, which is said to correspond to the groom’s tefillin strap which is wound around that finger, as well.
Some bridal gowns include gloves as a fashionable component of the outfit, and there is no problem placing it on the finger even if the bride is wearing a glove.
the reason being, for this is that, ultimately, there is no actual halachic requirement to use a ring. A groom may actually betroth his bride with any object of value.
Ben Ish Chai, Yesod Yesharim; Pitchei Teshuva, EH 27:1; Beit David 179.

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