Second Marriages
I read on your website that an Ashkenazi wedding ceremony should take place outdoors. Is that true for a second marriage, as well?
Thank you for your question.
Most authorities rule that a second marriage may be held indoors without hesitation. This is because with regards to a first marriage, it is the Chuppa ceremony that essentially finalizes that marriage. In a second marriage, however, it is the yichud room, the seclusion of the couple, that finalizes the marriage. In fact, le'halacha we even encourage having the wedding ceremony for a second marriage indoors in order to minimize the delay between the wedding blessings and the yichud room.
Another reason that second marriages are held indoor is to recall just as the second tablets of the Ten Commandments were given privately, so too, a second marriage should be more of a private event, as well.
Pitchei Teshuva
, EH 62:1;
Likutei Maharich

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