Baby Naming
Who Should Name the Children?
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There is a Midrash that teaches that parents receive a Divine prophecy as to what they should name their children and, therefore, it is best for parents to decide their child’s name together. In some communities, the parents to take turns naming their children. When this is done, the father is usually honored with naming the first child. This is based on the fact that in the Torah, Yehuda named his first child, while Shua, his wife, named their second. Others argue that the mother should be given the honor of naming the first child due to the suffering she endured during pregnancy and childbirth, however, this is not based on halacha rather it is according to Aggadah and Minhag.
When parents choose a name for their child, they should pray that the meaning and symbolism of the name be fulfilled in the child. Indeed, we are told that a name can potentially have a tremendous impact on one’s personality and development. Parents should consider using the name of a righteous ancestor when naming a child. Indeed, there is much value in naming children after one's ancestors, as doing so reminds the child of his family lineage and heritage. So too, one who feels that one's parents or grandparents were righteous people should consider naming one's children after them.
Sha'ar Hagilgulim, Hakdama 23; Kohelet Rabba 7:3; Bereishit 38:3-5, 5:29.
Berachot 7b; Menachot 35a; Yoma 38b; Tanchuma Ha'azinu 7; Bereishit Rabba 17:4, 37:7; Rabbeinu Bechaye, Bereishit 2:19; Aguda to Shabbat 81;
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