Henna: Mikva Immersion
Is henna permissible to be worn by a married woman in a Mikvah.
Thank you for your question.
Normative halacha requires a woman to remove all make-up and the like prior to immersion.
That being said, henna paint on the hand does not constitute a chatzitza because, unlike makeup, it is fully absorbed into the skin. Any residue that is on the skin would have to be removed like any makeup.
I will add a final point of related interest: Hair dye does not need to be removed before immersing in a mikva. The difference between nail polish and hair dye is that hair dye is very thin. One does not ever feel the dye when touching dyed hair. The hair feels the same as it does when natural. Nail polish, however, is thicker, it has substance and is a district protrusion on the nail. As such, nail polish should be removed before immersion.
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