Sleeping in the Same Bed — Niddah
Greetings and blessings! We are preparing for a two-week vacation starting next week. About a week and a half ago, my wife started taking a pill to delay her menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, yesterday she began to feel a trickling of blood (although she did not actually see it, she simply did not look...). If she, G-d forbid, becomes niddah, we understand that the accommodation has double beds. What should we do in such a case?
Regarding your question, there is no solution for sleeping in the same bed. The only option is for one of you to sleep in a different bed. Separating on one bed by a blanket or the like, does not permit sleeping in the same bed.
[And regarding what you did not ask: you assumed in your question that if she does not look and does not see the blood, she is not forbidden. And this is not correct! A woman who feels that her period has arrived is forbidden to her husband even if she does not look and does not see, and this is not a solution that would permit her.]
Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 195:6

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