Man visiting a massage session with a female therapist
Hi, my name is Shmuel, Qustion is if its allowed to get a message from a female messuse as im going on vecation and that place only has female therapists. i was in a accident and im expricing back pain. my wife will be in the room at that time, please advise if thats ok ?
Engaging in a massage session of this nature is unequivocally prohibited, as agreed upon by all halachic authorities.
You do have the option of seeking a similar treatment from a male masseur in an alternative location, not necessarily at your holiday destination.
There is a debate concerning situations where medical treatment is necessary and a male practitioner is not available. However, in your case, it is undoubtedly prohibited, as there is no compelling reason for you to receive this treatment specifically in this location.
Shulkhan Aruch
Yoreh Deah
195:17, and the Rema who disagrees.

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