Head-covering for a non-Jewish woman
Hello! I am a Christian woman and I am honoring Hanukkah in my home this year, by myself. Recent events have broken my heart and I feel led to participate in something so sacred to my Jewish brothers and sisters. I have researched the appropriateness of doing this and have found only encouragement to share in the celebration. I have a menorah and I will be lighting the lights whilst reciting the prayers - my question is should I cover my head as I do so? Thank you so much! Ann
Shalom! <>
I really appreciate your desire to identify with the Jewish people at these difficult times. When you light your Hanukkah candles, you do not have to cover your hair. The commandment of covering one’s hair applies only to married Jewish women. <>
I wish you always to do good! <>
Responsa Igres Moshe, section Orach Chaim, vol. IV , Ch . 15 <>