Can a Kohen Marry the Daughter of a Convert
If girl’s father was converted, mother was originally Jewish is there a problem for their daughter to marry to Kohen?
Thank you for your question.
In order to be able to correctly answer your question please explain who you are; has your daughter been looking a long time for a shidduch has she been divorced, is she a Baalat teshuvah, how long has this relationship been going on for?
Waiting to hear from you, to help you further.
1. Pitchei Teshuva, EH 4:1; Avnei Nezer 16. See Rashi to Vayikra 24:10.
2. Avnei Nezer 16; Yeshuot Yaakov 4:8; Beit Yitzchak 26.
3. Yevamot 45a; Rif, Yevamot 45b.
5. See for example Birkei Yosef 4:19
6. Teshuvot Harema 69. See also Chelkat Mechokeik 4:3; Beit Shmuel 4:2.

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