Question About Relationship
I’m a 17 year old reform Jew and I gave my life to god not too long ago. He has saved my life in so many ways including curing my depression and I’m forever grateful . One thing I asked the lord for was more love in all aspects in my life . I later met someone who felt like an answered prayer he gave me genuine love in all forms and we had one important thing in common, we both wanted to get closer to the lord and I thanked god every day for bringing this to me and continued reading my scriptures. Until about 3 days ago he told me his parents didn’t want him to be in a relationship until about 5 months from now and he wants to talk again then. I don’t how to feel and I’m asking the lord for guidance or a sign but my prayers feel unanswered. I just don’t understand why god took a good thing out of my life when I am holy to him, I will continue to have faith in him but I just need direction.
Thank you for your question.
There are kinds of reason that G-d sends different people and different experiences into our lives. Sometimes it is a short-term addition, sometimes it is long-term. Everything that G-d sends our way is for the best.
Perhaps you are meant to continue a relationship with this fellow, and perhaps it is a good thing, though not currently obvious, that this fellow is not currently in your life.
Our job is to pray to God and do mitzvot, good deeds. Pray that G-d send you your spouse and soulmate.
I encourage you to leave the reform temple and reach out to your local orthodox rabbi for more direction on being a participating member of the synagogue and community.

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