Intermarriage between a Jew and a non-Jew
Hello I have a friend who has classes himself as a Jewish Christian. He has entered into a relationship with a woman who has recently had a child with him plus he left his wife and 2 children for. His girlfriend has 2 other children with 2 different men. Now she sees herself as a Viking who doesn't believe but thinks there are many gods. She says she will not eat the way he eats or try to read the bible or adapt in any way. How do you see this working out marriage wise? I'm really interested Thank you
I don't know what "Jewish Christian" means.
If someone is of Jewish descent, they remain Jewish forever, even if they embrace the Christian religion.
Accordingly, they are prohibited from marrying someone who is not Jewish in any way, unless that person converts to Judaism.
It doesn't help if the person starts reading the Torah or observes any commandments as long as they are not Jewish, it is prohibited for a Jew to marry them.
If by "Jewish Christian" you mean a person who is not Jewish but incorporates elements of both Jewish and Christian faith in their belief system, they are not restricted from marrying any people.
I hope I understood the question correctly.

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