Discussion with my ex-wife
I have been divorced for several years. Neither I nor my ex-wife remarried. We are both Ashkenazi Jews, and I am not a Cohen. We have a son, who is growing up with her. I visit him and take an active part in his upbringing. My ex-wife and I often communicate via telephone calls and texting on matters that have to do with our son. So far, this seems to be OK. I hope I’m right. My question is this: am I allowed to go into my ex-wife’s house in order to discuss with her a certain complicated matter that has to do with our son’s education and wellbeing? Of course, we’ll do it in a way that there won’t be a problem of seclusion (“yichud”). This is something that is best discussed face-to-face, and not via a telephone call. It is possible to discuss this issue over a telephone conversation, but, in my opinion, this will be a lot less effective. By the same token, meeting in a place outside her home isn’t really feasible, considering the circumstances.
Dear …!
It is prohibited to enter your ex-wife’s residence and discuss anything whatsoever with her. Moreover, some authorities forbid entering one’s ex-wife’s residence even if you don’t intend to communicate with her at all.
Beis Yosef and Shulchan Oruch, section Even Ha-Ezer, chapter 119, §8

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