“Heiter Mechirah” Potatoes
I received a package from my place of work containing several bags of potato chips that appear to be regular, except they lack the usual kosher certification. Instead, it only bears the certification of the Rabbanut Sdot HaNegev (Rabbinical Council of the Negev) with the label 'Heiter Mechirah.' Is it permissible to use them?
It is forbidden to use this product, as it involves the prohibition of “sfichin” (parts of plants that grew on a sabbatical year), as well as the prohibition of using a product that was not destroyed or declared ownerless when the time came. (The question pertains to a product that was grown on a field in Eretz Yisroel that was fictitiously sold to a gentile on a sabbatical year. All plants that grew in Eretz Yisroel on a sabbatical year have to be destroyed or declared ownerless at some point, otherwise they’re forbidden for use.)
Rambam (Shemita, Chapter 4, Halacha 2)
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