Use of a Meat Utensil That Hasn’t been Used for 24 Hours


Greetings and blessings, I have a toaster oven (for Passover) that was used for meat a few years ago, and now I am baking cakes in it for Passover. The question is a) Can I drink dairy with the cake? b) Can I bake a dairy cake in it? The question is for a member of the Eastern (Sephardic) community. (I would appreciate if you could mention according to which authority the answer was given, if possible.) With the blessing of 'Yasher Koach'.


Dear …!
a. In this matter, there is a difference between the opinion of the Shulchan Aruch and the Remo, and based on this, the customs of the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim are different.
According to the Shulchan Aruch, it is permitted to cook a neutral dish in a utensil that has not been used for meat in the last 24 hours, even when intending to eat it with milk. According to the Remo, if it has already been cooked, it is permitted to eat it with milk, but if it has not yet been cooked, and one knows that his intention is to eat it with milk, for example, to drink coffee with the cake, it is forbidden to cook it initially.
b. It is forbidden to cook milk in a utensil that has been used for meat, even if a long time has passed since the meat was cooked.


Shulchan Aruch, section Yoreh Deah, chapter 95, paragraph 2 and chapter 93, paragraph 1; Kaf HaChaim ibid.; Chochmas Adam


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