Kashrut of Toothpaste


Hi, I wanted to know if the Weleda toothpaste or Boka toothpaste is okay to use for my baby? I would like to use a fluoride free nontoxic toothpaste for my baby.



Thank you for your question.

The directions given by Rav Fried She'lita with regard to toothpaste are:

Le'chatchilah (optimally) one should use toothpaste that has a Hechsher. if one does not find a toothpast with a hechsher then one should then buy one that has no taste. If one doesn't find any of the above then one may be lenient and buy toothpaste without a Hechsher.

.So if there is a reason you want this specific toothpaste and one doesn't find it in the market with a hechsher then even an adult may be lenient.


Pischet Teshuvah Yoreh De'a siman 98


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