Koshering a Digital Milk Frother


Hello! I wanted to ask about a stainless steel milk frother that has touch buttons. Does it need to be treated with boiling water and immersed? Thank you very much and may you be inscribed for a good year.


Hello and a good year!
Regarding scolding the contraption with boiling water, if the vessel in which the milk is is polished stainless steel, it should be purged.
As for the immersion, if the parts that touch the milk can be disassembled, only they should be immersed. If they cannot be disassembled, in principle everything should be immersed, but in this case the device will be ruined, and therefore a 'completion of the vessel' should be done by a Jew. That is, the appliance should be partly disassembled and reassembled in a way that not everyone knows how to do.


Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah, chapter 120


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