How to burn the challah dough
How should I burn the dough that I separated as challah?
Dear ...!
The dough that was separated is forbidden to eat since it has the same status as terumah and it's unclean. Therefore, it should not be burned in a place that will impart a taste of prohibited food to utensils.
For this reason, the dough should not be burned in an oven or on a stove that are used for cooking.
Therefore, the best thing is to light a fire in another place, such as a courtyard or a garden. Another option is to place the dough on the gas flame, but in a way that it won't touch the range burner, on which you put your pots and pans. The dough can also be placed on several layers of aluminum foil on the range burner.
In any case, one should be careful not to touch the dough that is bein incinerated with a spoon or knife, etc., since the hot dough will impart a forbidden taste to the utensil and it will be prohibited for use.

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