Curious non believer in search of understanding
Hello sir. I would like to understand the very basic information on the Jewish faith. Full disclosure, I am atheist & I was raised in a southern Baptist Christian household. I know the Christian faith fairly well. I want to understand more religious views on everyday life. I respect anyone's way life. As long as it doesn't negatively affect the life of another. We view life & afterlife differently, but I want to understand my neighbors. I'm not an activist. I'm just curious. Please educate me on the faith and practices of the Jewish religion?
Thank you for writing.
This website is for practical questions in Jewish law.
To learn more about Judaism in general, check out websites like and among many more.
Allow me to also recommend the following sites to learn more about what G-d expects from Gentiles: and which specializes in helping non-Jews with religious beliefs. There is a wealth of information there that you will find useful and inspiring. It is also worth looking up the “Noahide” or "B'nai Noach" movement and consider joining them!

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