Non Jewish Mom on Pesach


My mother is not Jewish. I was converted by an Orthodox Rabbi 29 years ago. My mom is coming for the month of April to stay in my house and will spend the Seders with us. She is 80 years old and has no place to go by herself during the Seders. I would like to know if she can be at the Seder table with us. We will be careful not to give her matzah from the Seder Plate, and we will have only Mevushal wine.



Thank you for your question.

It appears that you know what you're doing! Yasher Ko'ach! However, it is important to know that you may not cook in any way for her, even if she is eating part of the food, therefore, all the food has to be prepared before Yomtov and let it warm on the hot plate like Shabbat. Also, you may not invite her to come to join you, only if she invites herself, is it permitted. 


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