Clarification on Jewishness
Hi, so I am Jewish through ethnicity. However have been brought up to believe in jesus and morally believe in jesus. However I am aware that humans creates the wordy Christianity after Jesus christ. So my question would be, could you still class yourself as Jewish even though you accept jesus even on the basis that jesus was Jewish so shouldnt we be wearing the star of David over the cross even if we believe in him or not. Could I still be classed as Jewish because of this, even though it is through ethnicity.
Thank you for your question.
A Jew is someone who was born from a Jewish mother or one who has properly converted to Judaism. There is no concept of “Jew by ethnicity” and the like.
Furthermore, it is not possible to believe in any prophet or religions leader outside of Judaism, such as Jesus, Mohammed, or Buddha, and still be Jewish. These are all religions and ideas that came after Judaism and are incompatible with Judaism.
If your mother is Jewish you should reach out to an othordox rabbi to learn more about observing Judaism. If you are not Jewish, don't worry. You need not convert.
Judaism believes that God loves all mankind. One does not need to become Jewish to go to heaven. All that God wants from the Non-Jewish world is that they observe 7 precepts, or commandments. They are known as the “Noahide Laws.” They are called “Noahide Laws” because the requirement to observe these seven laws was given Noah, a righteous non-Jew (yes, the fellow from the story with the flood).
The 7 laws are:
1. Don’t murder.
2. Don’t steal.
3. Don’t worship false gods.
4. Don’t be sexually immoral.
5. Don’t eat a limb from an animal that is still alive.
6. Don’t curse God.
7. Establish a system of justice.
Any human being who observes these laws goes to heaven. There is no need to follow any other religion. You can pray to God in your own words and your own language.
Allow me to recommend the following sites to learn more about what G-d expects from Gentiles: and which specializes in helping non-Jews with religious beliefs. There is a wealth of information there that you will find useful and inspiring. It is also worth looking up the “Noahide” or "B'nai Noach" movement and consider joining them!

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