Did Abraham Do The Right Thing?


Abraham did not fulfil the law of gooddeeds (613) when he took Isaac to be killed. If God had expected Abraham to fulfil the law of gooddeeds (613), He would not have told him to kill & burn Isaac because that is a violation of the 613. So God expected him to believe His power & faithfulness to fulfil His promise of 'giving the seed through Isaac' which means He would resurrect Isaac even if he killed him on the altar. So he fulfilled God's will not by complying with the 613 but by believing God's power & faithfulness to fulfil His promise.



Thank you for writing.

As you yourself conclude in your message: Yes. Avraham did the right thing by taking his son for what seemed to be a sacrifice. This was what G-d wanted him to do. God's direct intervention takes priority over any other mitzva.


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