The Virtue of Knowledge
What does judaism speak of in terms of the virtue of knowledge and gaining knowledge in the religion
Thank you for your question.
Knowledge, both Torah and secular are important virtues in Judaism and something we are to pursue.
Our sages tell us that we must know “Maaseh Bereishit,” which the Rambam defines as “the natural sciences, and research of the origins of Creation.” But of course. We must not confuse it with the truth of the Torah as many sources that explore these topics are heretical. (Mishna Chagiga 2:1). Therefore, one must be careful of the sources of one’s secular knowledge.
Secular knowledge is so important that our sages enacted a blessing to be recited on a would famous non-Jewish secular scholar: (Berachot 58a). From here we see that secular science is a gift from G-d to mankind.
Some say that the Menora in the Holy Temple represented the seven wisdoms of the world. As Rabbi Moshe Sofer writes (Nedarim 81a): “It is written: When you light the lamps, the seven lamps shall shine toward the centre of the Menorah which is the light of the Torah, toward the Torah the seven lamps shall shine. All the wisdoms which are seven, all of them will shine towards the Torah, and serve it like perfumers and cooks...” Rabbeinu Bechayeh, and Abarbanel (Exodus 25:31) wrote similarly as did Rabbi Yonatan Eibishitz (Ye’arot Devash, Vol. 2:7), and others.
That being said, for a Jew, Torah knowledge and wisdom is above all else. Torah knowledge is the Holy of Holy. Furthermore, Torah is the direct word of God to the world whereas all other knowledge is man’s explanation of the wisdom of God. Only Torah knowledge can better us as individuals and light the way for how we are to serve G-d.
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